My E X P E R I E N C E was nice. I am really glad to had been visit “de todas”, people seems interesting in helping and care about others. A lot of women in charge of this cooperativa . They are very open in telling you or give information about how does it work? And what are the possible benefits is you became a member of this place.
This time we had the opportunity to met this woman called Nelly which was part of this organization for about six month. We talked to her and she said that she live nearby, that she doesn’t have a husband but she has older sons to look after. Nelly represents the lower economic class of this society. And after the following interview we realized the courage that she has regarding to working for being better.
Some of the Q U E S T I O N S that we asked her were: What motivates you to join “ de todas “ and became a membership?, Has you get the expected results?, what other people are involved in your job? Would you recommend this “cooperative” to other women?, how do you feel by running your business?.
Then she answer that the necessity to increase her budget and the motivation of a friend takes her to visit “ de todas” . She attended to a couple of meeting then she decided to ask for the loan. She said that she decided to invest in Yanbal products and that and the results to that decision are doing well. Everyday she has more clients and sometimes she ask others women to stop by the house of her clients to give them the beauty products when she can’t do it when she doesn’t feel good.
W H A T - I - L E A R N E D about this is that if we work based on the necessities of the people we can gather and assist them into plan something for their development. What most of this people need is to develop economically, so I think “de todas” throw the dashes to the appropriate target and that why they all look happy and please.
Viviana - Economic growth is important, and this improves people's lives. However, there are other things that people need that are more important. Can you think of some examples?
ResponderEliminarPeople need to grow in different aspects, do you think that money can make you grow in this case as an individual?
ResponderEliminarviviana! im glad you enjoy in your first visit! la cooperativa detodas give you a lot of opportunities to overcame! so, i have the same question of jerome!